Saturday, 31 May 2008

Its been awhile...

But i'm here now :P

Anyways on with the show. As you "should" know my newist video "The trailer you've all been waiting for" Confirms that I wont be making WoW videos anymore. I can't tell you just yet what Devildragon Productions is moving onto yet but you'll ifnd out soon.

Also the video mentioned that I'm not making "Devildragon kills all the tauren". This is along the lines of the reason i've stopped making WoW movies. So i'll answer them both in one go.

To make a good WoW movie it takes days of hard work which I can't do anymore. This video only took an hour or so to make but videos like "DDKATT" (for short) take days of working, and voice actors which I just don't have.

To answer the next question, I may still make "DDKATT" if i find myself with a week of spare time. But considering I'm holding down a job now i don't have enough time. I hardly have enough time to raid on my shaman (which btw is lvl 70 with full S1 gear and has cleared kara twice now).

And 1 more question I think you might ask is "Gievs the script and i'ls makes it 4z you!" The short answer is "no". Simply put I don't want to see people make crappy remakes of what would have been a great movie. I'm sorry but its not for sale.

Thats all this time. See you in a a week or so with my new video :D