Saturday, 2 August 2008


Lol I keep forgeting about this blog... I should post more

but anyways I haven't been up to much since getting the new bike (see my videos) and i'd like to ask you guys to send me a messege (or leave a comment) for if your even reading this. Cos if you are then i'll try to post more but if I get like 1-5 comments/letters then I wont bother anymore cos over 300 sub's and only 3 ppl reading this, just isn't worth it.

For people who are watching I might make a new video in the next few days. I'm having trouble thinking of things to talk about. Its hard, it really is. Im good at making things off the top of my head and all but theres a limit to how many random things you can say before it isn't funny anymore (I think its about 23, you've been warned)

So If your reading, leave a comment or send me a letter on youtube. If you have an idea of a topic you want me to talk about send amail to me on youtube, that way I get a little email telling me about it :P


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